Railway wheels

Sustaining its leadership in innovation, AmstedMaxion is the first company in Brazil to supply micro-alloyed steel wheels, which are more resistant and high-performance, demonstrating its commitment to add value for their customers.Known for its high resistance, the micro-alloyed steel is produced with chemical compositions especially developed to optimize its mechanical properties. With a specific thermal treatment, it showed several benefits, including the increase in the outflow limit and stiffness range (BHN), with a significant improvement in the hardening depth, given it has been proven that, the higher the hardness, the lower are the wear rates and, in result, there’s improvement in field performance.

The fabrication of the line of AmstedMaxion railway wheels for freight cars and locomotives used the same technology of one of the major global manufacturers in the segment, the Griffin Wheel Company, a company of the Amsted rail group, which holds the technology for wheels with a parabolic profile, a reference standard by the American Association of Railways).

The Griffin Wheel Company is recognized by its global excellence in development with dedicated technicians in innovative applications, since the selection of materials used for fabrication of railway wheels to the use of structural analysis systems and a parameterized system ensuring the quality of the final product.

To ensure the soundness of the railway wheels, 100% of the wheels are inspection by a state-of-the-art ultrasound system.

Technical data

  • One-Whee
    Diameters available: CE28’’ and CJ33’’.
  • Multi-Wear Wheels
    Diameters available: CD29’’, CA30’’, CP33’’, CK36’’, CG37’’, CD38’’& CM39’’.
  • Locomotive Wheels
    Diameters available: CF36’’ & CE40’’.

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