Our commitment with the continuous improvement of product and process quality, offering the best to the railway market, resulted in some important achievements:
Greenbrier Maxion
Best Rolling Stock manufacturer – Freight Cars / Revista Ferroviária Awards
São Paulo Awards for Management Quality – PPQG of (IPEG)
“2017 Brazilian Company Award”, of LAQUI
The Bizz 2017
Environmental Highlight Certification – Green Seal, delivered by the Jornal do Meio Ambiente of the State of São Paulo
51st place overall and 2nd place in the Mechanics and Metallurgy sector, among the 300 best companies of the country of Época Negócios 360°
1st place among the top 10 companies of the vehicles and parts category of the Anuário Valor 1000
“Nos trilhos da ergonomia” (On the rails of ergonomics) program, winner at the “Mérito de Inovação em gestão” (Innovation in management merit) award, large industries category. Paulista Quality Award for Management – IPEG/2017.
PLATINUM Certification of Caterpillar within the SUPPLIER QUALITY EXCELLENCE PROCESS
225th place overall in the Mechanics and Metallurgy sector, among the 300 best companies of the country, and 2nd and 4th places in Corporative Governance and HR Practices, respectively, of Época Negócios 360º
Among the 1000 Best and Largest 2017 of Magazine Exame
Best Manufacturer of Freight Vehicles/ Revista Ferroviária Awards
Best Manufacturer of Freight Vehicles/ Revista Ferroviária Awards
3rd place in the vehicles and parts category of the Anuário Valor 1000
113th among the 300 top companies of the country in Época Negócios 360º
Among the 1000 Best and Largest 2016 of Magazine Exame
Best company in the category Railway Industry of the Largest of Transports & Best of Transports 2016
Recognition in the Latin American Quality Award 2016
TOP OF BUSINESS Awards/Top of Business Magazine
Recognition certificate of Vale’s Greenhouse Gas Management
Best Manufacturer of Freight Vehicles/ Revista Ferroviária Awards
Best Manufacturer of Freight Vehicles/ Revista Ferroviária Awards
Best supplier in the Rolling stock category/MRS Logística
“Score 5” supplier/ Caterpillar Brazil
Best Industry of Freight Equipment/ Revista Ferroviária Awards
Best Industry of Freight Equipment/ Revista Ferroviária Awards
Best Industry/Revista Ferroviária Awards
“Quality of Business International” Awards
Best Industry – Revista Ferroviária Awards
“Top Quality” Award
Railway Entrepreneur of the Year Award – Ivoncy Ioschpe / Revista Ferroviária Award
Best Metallurgy Company/EXAME
Best in the Railway Industry Sector/ Revista Transporte Moderno
Best Supplier Award Champion Partner/ALL
Best Supplier Highlight of the Minas Gerais State/CVRD
Best Railway Industry – Revista Ferroviária Awards
Best Railway Industry – Revista Ferroviária Awards
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